<aside> 💬 Welcome aboard! The dashboard is your new best friend for maintaining a laser-focused and productive lifestyle. Let's go on a quick tour, shall we? 👇🏼


1. Navigation

First stop, the Navigation. These are your go-to places for laying out your master plan.


The Navigation section is like your map for this productivity tool. It has quick links that help you go fast from one part of your tool to another, just by clicking on them.

Here's a list of what each quick link does:


When you click this, you'll go straight back to your main page (Dashboard), no matter where you are.


This link takes you to your Projects section. Here, you can look at, add, or change your current and future projects.


This link quickly gets you to your tasks section. Here, you can see or change your tasks no matter where you are in your tool.


Need to look at or add a document? Click this link. It'll take you to your Docs section, where all your important files and notes are. It's like your project's personal library, always there when you need it.


Want to see your client info or add a new client? Click this link. You'll go to your Clients section.


This link takes you to your Resources section. It's a place to store and organize web links, movies, podcasts, or books. Click this link to quickly save or find any of these resources. It's your handy storage for work and fun stuff!


This link takes you to your central hub for managing and coordinating with your team members.

Yearly Planner:

This link shows you your whole year at once. It's useful for planning far ahead or looking back at past work.


This link takes you to a page full of helpful guides for using this entire tool, not just the main page. Each section of your tool has a guide here.

Remember, these Navigation links are here to help you move around your tool quickly and easily. So, you can always find what you need fast.

2**. Welcome Section:**

Next up, the Welcome section!