<aside> 💬 Your "Teams" page serves as a comprehensive directory for all your team members. It centralizes essential contact information and project involvement details, allowing seamless coordination and communication within your team.



The Teams table is organized into the following fields:

  1. Department:

    The specific department to which the team member belongs.

  2. Person:

    The name of the team member.

  3. Role:

    The specific role or job title of the team member within the team or project.

  4. Email:

    The team member's professional email address.

  5. Phone:

    The team member's contact phone number.

  6. Active Projects:

    Projects in which the team member is currently involved.

  7. Notes:

    Any additional information or notes related to the team member.

Adding a New Team Member

Adding a new team member to your team directory is super simple.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on "+New" button at the bottom of the team's table.


  2. A new, empty row will be created in the table.


  3. Fill in the rest of the fields as follows:

Once you've filled in the details, the new team member will be added to your Teams table and the information will be accessible to everyone who has access to the page. This function enables everyone to be updated and informed about the team's composition and members' roles.